Invincible Wiki

The Hunk is a muscular blond man who participated in the preselection for the new Guardians of the Globe as he was interested in applying. He went up against Atom Eve and loses against her in a fight. When Robot announces the new Guardians of the Globe, the Hunk isn't selected as one of the members.


The Hunk's build is that of a very muscular body builder, he has blonde straight hair, no shirt, and wears only shorts.


  • Superhuman Strength: The Hunk is a powerhouse and is considered strong with physical combat.


  • The Hunk is obviously based on the Hulk and Hulk Hogan.
  • A character from Foodfight! (a film from 2012) bares a resemblance to the Hunk.
  • The Hunk will return in season 3.

